A solid company with all the necessary licenses.

The Building Law clearly requires that any air conditioning, heating and ventilation contractor who offers his services to perform or have performed work in Quebec must have a valid license. Unfortunately, not all entrepreneurs follow these rules.

Les Entreprises MPH (RBQ: 8311-3779-24)

The RBQ fulfills its mission by adopting by-laws construction, safety and professional qualification standards. It monitors the application of these standards, by means of investigations and verifications, applying the remedies provided by law in the event of breaches.

  • The quality of works and the safety of buildings and installations
  • Professional qualification
  • The integrity of contractors and owner-builders.

Refrigeration (RBQ 15.10)

This subcategory authorizes construction work which is not exclusively reserved for master piping mechanics and which concerns any refrigeration system, in particular those relating to air conditioning, industrial processes and product conservation.

Ventilation (RBQ 15.8)

This subcategory authorizes construction work which is not exclusively reserved for master piping mechanics and which relates to air circulation or distribution systems relating to ventilation, evacuation, air compensation and air conditioning.

Electricity (RBQ 16)

This subcategory of work includes, with the exception of demolition work, construction work of an electrical installation to which Chapter V of the Construction Code introduced by the Regulation amending the Construction Code approved by Decree No. 961- 2002 of August 21, 2002 applies. These works are reserved exclusively for the electrical contractor.

CMEQ: #13342

Since November 19, 2001, the Corporation of Master Electricians of Quebec (CMEQ) administers and applies the provisions of the Building Act (L.R.Q., c.B-1.1) relating to the professional qualification of construction contractors. The CMEQ thus fulfills the mandate entrusted to it by the Government of Quebec which consists in ensuring the protection of the public by controlling the qualification of electrical contractors as to their probity, their competence and their solvency.

CETAF: # 850

The primary mission of CETAF is to initiate and maintain interaction between various stakeholders in the industry, to contribute to and encourage training and development, to promote quality and safety. With its leadership role, CETAF acts mainly as a representative and defender of the interests of industry, and more particularly, those of entrepreneurs.


For any residential installation of air conditioner, heat pump or furnace, you need a contractor in good standing, with a license from the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) with the right category, otherwise it becomes non-regulatory work and in the event a fire or other incident your insurance will not pay! Categories: 15.10 (Refrigeration) required for handling the compressor gases, 16 (electricity) for all electrical connections without exception and the air exchangers and central air ducts, 15.8 (Ventilation) and the change of electric furnace.

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